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Columbia Elementary School

Wenatchee School District to Consolidate Elementary Schools in 2024-2025 School Year

Wenatchee School District to Consolidate Elementary Schools in 2024-2025 School Year

The Wenatchee School District announced today that it plans to consolidate its elementary schools in the 2024-2025 school year. The move comes as a result of declining enrollment and the need to optimize resources in the face of significant budget constraints.

As part of this consolidation plan, Columbia Elementary School students and staff will be reassigned to other neighboring schools in the district. The district has already begun planning for this transition and will work closely with the staff and affected families to ensure a smooth and successful transfer. The district is also evaluating additional offerings within the district that could utilize the Columbia building.

"While this was a difficult decision to make, we believe it is the right decision for the long-term sustainability of our district," said Superintendent Dr. Kory Kalahar. "By consolidating our elementary schools from seven to six, we can optimize our staff and resources and continue to provide high-quality instruction to all of our students. The bottom line is that operating schools with empty classrooms is not economical. If all schools remained open at their current enrollments, then all of them are going to end up with resources stretched really thin.”

District leadership met with Columbia staff on Friday to discuss the move and will present a detailed financial report and reasoning behind the action to the school board during their Tuesday, January 23 meeting at 6:00 PM. 

Over the coming months, the district will be working closely with staff, parents, and other stakeholders to prepare for the transition. The district will also be providing additional resources and support to students and families during this time.

"This is an anguishing decision and one we have worked hard to avoid, but we are committed to working with everyone affected by this decision to ensure a smooth and successful transition," said Kalahar. "We remain focused on providing our students with the best education possible and preparing them for success in the future."


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