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About the District

About the School District

Who We Are
Wenatchee School District is made of one early childhood learning center and inclusionary preschool, seven elementary schools, three middle schools, one comprehensive high school, one alternative high school, a K-8 alternative parent partnership school, an internet academy, and a technical skills center. We are 1,100 exceptional educators who take pride in serving the more than 7,600 students who attend WSD schools. Our students are 53 percent Latino, 43 percent white, 1 percent Asian, and 3 percent from other or multiple racial backgrounds. Together, our students, teachers, staff, and leadership represent the diversity and richness of Wenatchee.

A New Strategic Plan
In 2021, WSD adopted a new strategic plan, incorporating feedback from meetings with 2,000 community stakeholders, 75 listening sessions with teachers and families, and 63 community and school events. A strategic planning team of parents, students, community members, and district staff also guided and informed the plan’s development. Cornerstones of the plan are our promise and the “Big 6” student outcomes—academic and social-emotional learning goals—along with action steps to achieve them.

Our Community
Wenatchee, known as “The Apple Capital of the World,” is a city of 34,000 that is nestled in the foothills of the Cascade Mountain range at the confluence of the Wenatchee and Columbia rivers. The region has harnessed the power of our waters to provide electricity to the west and irrigation for that is critical for growing fruit and and producing the wine for which our area is known. In addition to agriculture and hydropower, our city has a thriving medical community that serves as the hub of medical services for all of North Central Washington. The spirit of our people is the result of a place that knows how to produce. The people of Wenatchee put faith in the land to produce a harvest each year and have developed innovative ways to share our bounty across our nation and the world. 

Land Acknowledgment
We acknowledge that Wenatchee Public Schools resides on the traditional lands of the p’squosa (Wenatchi) people. The p’squosa have lived on and cared for this land and these waterways since time immemorial. We acknowledge the ancestral homelalands of the p’squosa who received their name Wenatchi during the treaty days and have since been a part of the Colville Confederated Tribes. We make this acknowledgement to open a space of recognition, inclusion, and respect for our sovereign tribal partners and all Indigenous students, families, and staff in our community in the past, present and future.

Upcoming Events

February 11

Interagency Meeting

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

February 11

Board Meeting

6:00 PM

February 17

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