Learning & Teaching
Learning & Teaching
The Learning & Teaching Department identifies and implements system-wide processes based upon the requirements of law and guidelines established by the federal and state departments of education, as well as research-based best practices from national and state professional educator organizations, with the goal of advancing student learning.
To uphold the WSD promise, we must lead an integrated, multi-tiered system of academic, behavioral, and social-emotional support (MTSS) to transform student trajectories by:
- Relentlessly removing barriers to learning for students, families, and staff.
- Ensuring responsive, evidence-based instruction in every learning environment.
Learning & Teaching Department Contacts
Executive Director Learning and Teaching
Heidi Busk, Executive Director of Learning & Teaching Administrative Secretary, Si...
- Assessment
- AVID® Wenatchee High School
- Career & Technical Education (CTE)
- Curriculum, Instruction, & Professional Learning
- Forms
- Highly Capable (HiCap)
- Instructional Technology
- Learning Recovery
- Libraries
- Marzano Framework
- Math Instructional Identity
- OCDE Project GLAD®
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Promotion Standards
- Science
- Sexual Health Education
- Special Education
- Special Programs
- Staff
- The Well Being Project
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