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Learning & Teaching

Curriculum Adoption

District Adopted Core Curriculum
Elementary School District Adopted Core Curriculum
Middle School District Adopted Core Curriculum
High School District Adopted Core Curriculum
LNT-P005 - Instructional Materials Adoption Procedure

Curriculum Adoption Information
Here in the Wenatchee School District, we have policies in place that guide how we approve new curriculum, textbooks, and/or classroom materials. If you want to get into the nitty-gritty of these policies they can be found under the 2000 series [INSTRUCTION] in the District Policy Manual. We have a process of having new classes approved, adopting textbooks or other materials, and/or using supplemental materials.

Policy 2020 clearly specifies the requirements that must be met in order for curricular materials to be considered appropriate. 

Policy 2020 states that, "All new courses or major modifications to existing courses must be approved by the Superintendent prior to implementation. The Superintendent, in turn, shall inform the Board before the new course or major revision to an existing course is implemented." Therefore, if you wish to introduce a new course or significantly modify any current courses, they must first be approved by the Superintendent. Unless the new class comes under the category of a major adoption in the district adoption cycle, all costs incurred must be taken care of with building funds. The District budget provides for planned, major adoptions.

Supplemental materials include a wide variety of both print and non-print materials. This may include videotapes, films, laser discs, filmstrips, audiotapes, transparencies, and/or pamphlets or booklets. In selecting supplemental materials the teacher must first use careful professional judgment in choosing such materials by following the guidelines in Policy 2020 mentioned above. If the material contains any potential controversial content, the teacher must review it with the principal and obtain principal approval. If it is deemed that parent permission should be required, a letter similar to the following must be sent home and parent permission granted prior to the material being shared with students.

To: Parents/family of_______________
From: Teacher's Name________________
Re: Use of Supplemental Materials
During an upcoming unit on____________________ , we will be using the following supplemental materials:
Because of the nature of the materials, we are informing you that these materials are available for your preview at our school. If you would prefer to have your student receive an alternative assignment/activity, please sign below.

The student may view the materials in their entirety.


The student may view only the following portion of the materials.


Please give my student an alternative assignment.

Student Name


Parent Signature


Hopefully, this information provides general guidelines for decisions regarding instructional offerings an materials. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call the Learning & Teaching Department at 663-8161.

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