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Learning Recovery

Learning Recovery Plan

As Wenatchee students return to our classrooms, cafeterias, fields, and playgrounds, we welcome them with open arms and know that we must lead with our heads, hearts, and hands. Students come to us with unique lived experiences, at different starting points and in need of individualized attention. Our student’s differences are assets, not liabilities. 

Our learning recovery plan is forward-thinking and focuses on each student, the quality of their learning, and their outcomes. This means not slowing down or looking back at lost ‘seat time’ stolen by a global pandemic but rather stepping on the gas and removing barriers so each student can achieve their full potential.

Learning Recovery Road Map

Giving students targeted support to take on grade-level work right away — a research-based strategy called “learning acceleration” — is crucial to helping our students at every grade level catch up. To make this happen we’ve developed a road map to navigate learning recovery and acceleration.

Our road map relies on knowing our students by name, strength, and need so we can develop personalized supports that build on individual strengths and improve areas of challenge. There are five key steps on the map;

  1. Leverage student performance data
  2. Access to high-quality instruction and grade-level assignments
  3. Ensure all students know they belong
  4. Connections with mental health support
  5. Access to tutoring services

Road Map Key Steps

1. Leverage student performance data/p>

  • Teachers will use student data to provide intervention and extension.
  • Individual student data reports will be shared with parents to show learning progress in Reading and Math.

Sample Reading Report
Sample Math Report 

2. Provide high-quality instruction and grade-level assignments

  • Teachers and staff will focus on teaching priority standards. This will provide time for teachers to teach grade-level material while also identifying student needs, filling learning gaps, and extending learning.
  • Teachers will use computer adaptive software to help monitor student progress and support each student’s unique learning level.

3. Ensure all students feel welcome and know they belong

  • School leaders and teachers will continue to receive professional learning in  Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
    Intentional time and curriculum dedicated to SEL
  • Expand district focus on social and emotional well-being by using 3 Signature SEL Practices (Inclusive welcoming activities, engaging strategies throughout lessons, and optimistic closures) in all schools.  

4. Focus on mental health, community connections and resources

  • Continue the Well Being partnership with Confluence Health, CVCH, Catholic Charities, and Children's Home Society.
  • Increase Social Service Specialists positions in schools.

5. Access to tutoring services

  • Provide multiple FREE tutoring options for students.
  • During fall conferences, teachers will recommend targeted tutoring support based on an individual student’s needs. 

Upcoming Events

January 20
January 24

Record Day (No School)

All Day Event

January 27

Board Workshop

1:00 PM

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