Armed with $100 Hooked on Toys gift cards, local law enforcement officers were ready to ‘shop till they drop’ with Wenatchee 4th graders during the holiday Shop with a Cop event.
Upon arriving at Hooked on Toys, students paired up with law enforcement “shopping buddies” who would help them load up their carts and check off gifts on their holiday lists. Students could also choose a gift for themselves. The officers, deputies, and troopers on scene navigated shopping carts through the packed aisles of the popular toy store, reaching top shelves for gifts, helping make tough decisions on which item siblings would like best, and keeping track of spending.
For the last nine years, Shop with a Cop has paired forty elementary students from the Wenatchee School District with an officer, deputy, or trooper from law enforcement agencies in north-central Washington. School counselors and staff chose students from Wenatchee elementaries to participate in the unique holiday shopping experience.
This program is made possible for elementary students from the region through the generosity of Premier One Properties, the Community Foundation of North Central Washington Foundation for Youth Fund, and Hooked on Toys.