The Wenatchee School District is making public notice that it intends to apply for grant funding to support after-school programming through the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC’s) at Columbia and Mission View Elementary Schools and Orchard and Pioneer Middle Schools. The funding would support program costs to continue after-school programming at these locations for the next five years starting at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year.
Since 1998, 21st CCLC’s have provided high-poverty schools in Wenatchee with academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours. The CCLC program works in partnership with schools to help achieve academic success in core areas such as reading and math while also offering a broad array of hands-on enrichment activities both in and out of the school setting.
More information about 21st CCLC can be found on the US Department of Education website or by contacting Maura Danforth, Wenatchee School District Project Director, 21st CCLC After School Programs at