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Pioneer Middle School

Students Unmake a Bully with New York Filmmaker

Students Unmake a Bully with New York Filmmaker

Wenatchee students at Pioneer and Orchard Middle Schools and Newbery Elementary are addressing bullying and learning about media production through the “DON’T WAIT to Unmake a Bully Project™.” This is WSD’s 11th year of partnering with New York Filmmaker Mike Feurstein to solve the bullying problem and help students learn about media production through a hands-on filmmaking venture. Feurstein is the creator and founder of Unmake A Bully™, and has teamed up with Lisa Bradshaw of Wenatchee, the founder of the DON’T WAIT Project®, a non-profit corporation that raises awareness about positive life choices. From New York to Washington State, the program is helping in the stand against bullying through positive media.

Student-produced PSAs from Pioneer and Orchard Middle Schools and Newbery Elementary will be premiered at the Liberty Theatre on November 9 at 6:30 PM


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