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Pioneer Middle School

Wenatchee Hosts its First SkillsUSA Competition

Wenatchee Hosts its First SkillsUSA Competition

On Saturday, January 27, Wenatchee School District hosted its first SkillsUSA competition. Students from middle and high schools across central Washington traveled to Foothills Middle School to participate in the event. The competition saw students display their skills in First Aid/CPR, Preventative Athletic Taping, and Job Skills Demonstrations.

The event was open to Wenatchee 7th/8th-grade middle school students who were enrolled in Career and Technical Education classes like Medical Occupations, Sports Medicine, or Art Foundations. Students who rose to the challenge and displayed exceptional skill and talent have qualified to represent the district at the state competition in March, taking place in Tacoma.

The competition was a huge success, we're proud of our student participants from our middle schools. Participation in SkillsUSA not only gives students a chance to showcase their skills but also helps them develop leadership skills, teamwork, and professionalism. 

A big thank you to all of the community partners who volunteered on Saturday to help score the competition. Their support and participation made the event possible.

Placings from the First Aid/CPR Competition from Wenatchee are as follows:

Placings from the Preventative Athletic Taping Competition from Wenatchee are as follows:

Placings from the Job Skills Demonstration Competition from Wenatchee are as follows:

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