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PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)

Sign up for Pioneer Middle School’s PTO, and get involved in your child’s middle school experience.  By joining PTO, you are able to connect with other families, students, and faculty through meetings, events, and communications.  Those efforts help build a sense of community at our school.

The Pioneer PTO organizes our school volunteer program; these opportunities include helping in the school store, book fair, health screening, picture day, staff appreciation days, end of the year awards ceremonies.  The Pioneer PTO looks forward to meeting and working with you this school year!


  • President: Jon Palmer
  • Vice President: Caroline Siderius
  • Secretary: Natalie Macias
  • Treasurer: Heather Ovitt

Upcoming Events

February 7
February 11

Interagency Meeting

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

February 11

Board Meeting

6:00 PM

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