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Valley Academy of Learning

Ella Atkins is the Apple Blossom Fire Chief for the Day

Ella Atkins is the Apple Blossom Fire Chief for the Day

Valley Art teacher Shawna Hawkins, Ella Atkins, and Wenatchee Valley Fire Chief Brian Brett.

Last week Valley Academy of Learning 2nd-grader Ella Atkins was surprised with her selection as Little Chief for the Day by Wenatchee Valley Fire Chief Brian Brett. Ella will participate in the Apple Blossom Chief for a Day experience on April 27th from noon-1 PM at Memorial Park in Wenatchee. She'll get a matching fire uniform, including badges, and will be sworn into office.

Learn more about the Apple Blossom Festival Chief for a Day event here.

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February 11

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10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

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