About Washington Elementary School
Washington Elementary School Mission
Washington Elementary is a learning community that ensures high levels of learning for each student.
Washington Elementary School Vision
In order to fulfill the fundamental purpose of ensuring each student learns at high levels, we are dedicated to creating a safe, supportive, and respectful school environment where...
There are high expectations for student success. Every teacher, parent and student is clear on the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire.
The learning of each student is assessed, monitored, and reported on a timely basis. When students experience difficulty, our school has systematic interventions in place.
A collaborative culture exists that ensures staff members work together to analyze and improve their professional practices in order to meet the needs of our students.
All staff members implement best practices supported by continuous professional growth.
Students and adults believe their efforts, improvements and achievements will be recognized and celebrated.
School Details
Jesica Bryant
Assistant Principal
Ryan Weaver
Cody Wright
Hours of Operation
Monday (late start):
1401 Washington St.
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Phone: (509) 662-5504
Fax: (509) 663-0721
records request to: wise.t@wenatcheeschools.org
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