Services Available to the Community
Wenatchee Valley Tech is a high school level training facility for many different industries. Many of our programs have the ability to offer their services to the community at a reduced cost. Working with the general public provides great experience and learning opportunities for our students.
Automotive Repair Services
The students in the Automotive Technology program may only complete the following types of repairs for the general public.
- Oil Changes
- Replacement of Wiper Blades
- Light Bulbs
- Tire Repairs
- Belts & Hoses
Wenatchee School District, Wenatchee Valley Technical Skills Center, or any employees thereof, assume no liability on any work performed on school premises. We will not be held responsible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, accident or any other cause. All work performed is done at the “Student Training” level, not at a “Professional” service level. Outside work is accepted into the shop on an as-needed, curriculum based time-line. The vehicle will not have a “Ready Date” as training has no time limit. We offer repair services for all vehicles, however, to give our students the most current training in automotive repair, we are currently only taking in automobiles that are newer than year 2000.
To ask more questions or to set up an appointment, please contact the instructor:
Albino Luna at (509) 662.8827 ext 25237 or click HERE to send a message by email
Catering Services
Our Culinary Arts program does selected catering for public and private events. Unfortunately, we cannot cater an event held outside of school days or hours (no evenings, weekends or holidays). But students could prepare items to be picked up at our school to be served at your convenience.
If you have questions or would like to book a catering for your event, please contact the instructor:
at (509) 662-8827 ext 25231 or click HERE to send a message by email.
Digital Media Arts
Our Digital Media Arts program is available to video your special event. Currently our students are the main videographers at all Wenatchee Wild home games.
If you have questions, or would like to book a student to film your event, please contact the instructor:
Eric Link at (509) 662.8827 ext 25223 or click HERE to send a message by email
Collision Repair Services
We offer painting services for all vehicles. However, to give our students the most current training in body repair, we are currently only taking in automobiles that are newer than year 2000, that need repair to 1 or 2 panels.
If you have questions or would like a quote, please contact our instructor:
Joe Dietrich at (509) 662-8827 ext 25232 or click HERE to send a message by email.
Construction Services
Our Construction Trades crew provides many building and construction related services in the Valley - specializing in wood structure construction. They can travel to your home or business to complete the project. A donation for the cost of daily transportation is appreciated.
If you have questions or would like a quote, please contact our instructor:
Terry Fike at (509) 662-8827 ext 25236 or click HERE to send a message by email.
Computer Repair Services
Currently, our class is not able to do any computer repairs for the public.
Cosmetology Services
The Cosmetology program is now located on site at 327 East Penny Road, Building B in Wenatchee. Services provided include haircuts and styling, hair spa, chemical texture services, color techniques, esthetics, hand and foot care and other special packages.
If you have questions or would like to make an appointment, please contact our instructor:
Tonya Cortes at (509) 662.8827 Ext 25240 or click HERE to send a message by email.
Security Services
Our Criminal Justice program provides services at many large events in the Valley. Students are trained to help with parking and event security. A donation for the cost of transportation is appreciated.
If you have questions, or would like to request some security help for your event, please contact our instructor:
Juan Loera at (509) 662-8827 ext 25235 or click HERE to send a message by email.
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