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Wenatchee Valley Technical Skills Center


Why take Entrepreneurship?   Do you have a desire to start and run your own business?  Do you have a passion that you would like to turn into a career? This program gives you the basic knowledge, skills and resources to start your OWN business. Using your interest and ideas, as well as the various Tech Center industries, we want to give you hands-on experience to start and operate a business. We’ll take you through the process to develop your concept, market and launch your business idea!  This also aligns with WSD’s goal for rigor and career readiness.

Various things we’ll most likely be doing during the year:

-We watch SHARK TANK episodes weekly.
-We have guest speakers who tell us about various parts of the business world.
-Leadership & Teamwork events like: playing Monopoly, visiting businesses like Mission Ridge, Chelan SurfWave, Riverfront Rock Gym, ----_-   Ropes course, visiting other startup businesses.
-We take assessments to discover your strengths and unique abilities. (Strengthsfinder, 7 Habits book, DestinyCoaching)
-We building small personal projects, skateboards, and ski/snowboards in our own MakerSpace shop.

Areas we cover:

-How to start various businesses like: an online clothing store, a local service company, a restaurant, and a non-profit.
-The basics of the financial world like: Profit & Loss, stocks, accounting, crypto, taxes, and Angel funding.
-How to evaluate business start ups from market research and financial feasibility.
-The world of marketing and its use to different business sectors. Perfect your own Elevator Pitch.
-Using Google Tools for business like: sites, podcasts, sheets, slides, etc.
-Using the Tech Centers tools to work as a team building skateboards, skis, snowboards which include laser printing, fiberglassing, and X-       carver to learn how to set up processes, deliver customer service, and work with team.
-Creating a business plan that covers the basics to present to stakeholders and financiers.
-The basics of government start up options & regulations, labor & industry, state & federal taxes.

Upcoming Events

January 20
January 24

Record Day (No School)

All Day Event

January 27

Board Workshop

1:00 PM

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