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Foothills Middle Athletics

Clearance Process

Athlete and Parent must complete all required forms before they are cleared to participate in any sport. You will only need to create an account once.  After that you can use the information you submitted in previous seasons to save time for other sports registrations.

1.  Go to the ArbiterSports Family ID link (click here) to set up account

New Registration or First Time Use:

•  Create an account by clicking on the "Create Account" link on top right
•  Verify your account through the email you used
•  Click on "Find a Program"
•  Enter "Foothills Middle School" for organization
•  Click the registration season you want.
•  Click "Register Now"

Returning Registration:

Please use the following steps when you are returning to register for a new sport:

•  Select the registration form under the word Programs.
•  Login using the e-mail address and password you created last season
•  Choose the sport
•  Click on "Add Participant Below or Click to Select" and pick your child's name  
•  Update health and demographic information, if necessary
•  Sign-off on seasonal agreements
•  Save and Submit

2. Turn in a General Information Form (Physical Form)
Your form must have a doctor's signature and dated with an expiration date that clears you THROUGH your sport season.

•  You can upload the form by going to your ArbiterSports Family ID account and signing in.
a. Once into your account, click on the “View or Update My Registration” button
b. Under “Completed Registrations” click the “Add or Update Info” link on the right hand side
c. Scroll down until you see “General Information Form (physical)” on the right hand side
d. You can choose the file where your physical form is on your computer or you can drag and drop it onto the box with the icon
•  You can drop the form off at the office – please be aware there may be a wait
•  You can fax the form to the school at 509-663-6610

** (General Information /Physical Form)

3.  Turn in ASB fee of $17 to the FMS Office or pay online.

4.  Once you have completed ALL 3 steps, please call or stop by the school office to verify your sports clearance.

Clearance Requirements

All students must complete the following obligations before being allowed to participate in an athletic practice, event or contest each school year. All forms need to be completed by 10:00 am the first day of tryouts. 

1. Complete the following items:
•  Have a record of a physical examination signed by a physician which is good for 24 months.
•  Complete Online clearance process (see above info).
•  Pay ASB fee $17.
2. Be a bona fide resident of the Wenatchee School District.
3. Be under 15 years of age prior to June 1 of the current school year.
4. Be cleared during the first (10) ten school days of the season. An appeal for an exception may he made with a building administrator.

All forms are available in the office or on the FMS website under “Clearance Forms”.

To Be Eligible

To be eligible to participate in after school athletics is different then being cleared. The student must also:

1. Be in good standing with no serious or major disciplinary action pending. To be in “Good Standing” means that during the current or past semester the student shall not:

  • Have been involved in the use or possession of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or controlled substances.
  • Have engaged in activities at or away from school that are detrimental to the student’s citizenship or the good reputation of the school.

2. Be making reasonable academic progress.

  • In-district Programs; To be eligible, a student must be passing in five classes.
  • League Programs; To be eligible on a travel team in the middle school league, the student must be passing all classes. Grade checks will be done frequently. There can be no U’s, or F’s in current classes or on the last report card.

3. Be in school attendance for 4 periods or more on the day of the activity unless excused by the office.

Upcoming Events

February 11

Interagency Meeting

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

February 11

Board Meeting

6:00 PM

February 17

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