Co-ed Tennis
General Information: Refer to Sport Season Dates for practice start and end dates. The Wenatchee Middle School Tennis program is a co-ed In-District program for sixth through eighth graders that focuses on skill development and having fun. All levels of ability are welcome with players placed into various levels based on ability, not age. Players may move between levels as they progress.
Athlete Responsibilities: Students must complete all athletic paperwork before they will be allowed to practice. Athletes must provide their own non-marking athletic shoes and a racket. Students must be passing five of seven classes.
When is practice: 4:00 - 5:30 (or as soon as bus gets athletes there) at the Wenatchee Raquet and Athletic Club.
When are games: The final week of the season will be dedicated to matchplay, singles and/or doubles for those with the ability to do so (parents can come watch)!
Transportation: Buses will take students to all practices. Parents are responsible to pick up students after competitions or practices at the WRAC.
Team Pictures: Team pictures are after school. Information will be given to students the week of pictures.