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Wenatchee High School

About Wenatchee High School 

Photo of Eric Anderson

Eric Anderson

Principal/Athletic Director

Wenatchee High School

Photo of Ricardo Iniguez

Ricardo Iniguez

Assistant Principal

Ricardo Iñiguez is an Assistant Principal of Wenatchee High School whe...

Photo of Molly Butler

Molly Butler

Assistant Principal

Wenatchee High School

Photo of Donna Moser

Donna Moser

Assistant Principal

Wenatchee High School

Photo of Jacob Bucholz

Jacob Bucholz

Director Career and Technical Education

Wenatchee High School

Photo of Ana Diaz

Ana Diaz

HS Executive Assistant

Wenatchee High School

Photo of Stephanie Stuber

Stephanie Stuber


Wenatchee High School

Photo of Tonya Luinstra

Tonya Luinstra


Wenatchee High School

Photo of Will White

Will White


Wenatchee High School

Photo of Jennifer Anaya

Jennifer Anaya


Wenatchee High School

About the School

Panther Pride!

Wenatchee High School serves as the neighborhood school for the entire Wenatchee Valley. Our purpose is to meet the learning needs of each student and ensure that all students graduate with their high school diploma while continuing their quest for knowledge and becoming productive members of society.

Students' cheering section at a sporting game

Wenatchee High school is the home of the Panthers and this instills a sense of pride in our students, staff and community.

School Details

Eric Anderson

Hours of Operation
Monday (late start): 10:10-3:25
Tuesday-Friday: 8:40-3:25

1101 Millerdale Avenue
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Phone: (509) 663-8117
Fax: (509) 663-2573
Attendance: (509) 663-6903

A Brief History of Wenatchee High School

Wenatchee High School 1909

Wenatchee High School 1909

The first building built specifically to house a high school in Wenatchee was the Whitman School, built in 1903 and named after Dr. And Mrs. Marcus Whitman, early missionaries to this part of the country.  Although built as high school, students were shifted around to different schools and to rooms in businesses for several years.

In 1907 voters authorized purchase of a new site and a high school was built on Idaho and King Streets in 1909-1910. An addition to the high school was built in 1911. Classrooms were added and the auditorium enlarged in 1922. Special purpose rooms and classrooms were added in 1938, enlarging the building to 22 regular classrooms and 28 special purpose rooms. Portables were added adjacent to the high school as well, housing both high school and elementary classes. 

In 1971 a new high school was built on Miller and Millerdale Streets on 39 acres. The building is still in use today after undergoing renovations and additions in 1984, 1993, and 2005. Portables were added in 2006, 2012, and 2013.

Source: “History of the Wenatchee Public Schools” by Carolyn Sterling.

Wenatchee High School wing built 1909

Wenatchee High School 1909

Wenatchee High School 1971

Wenatchee High School 1971

Upcoming Events

January 20
January 24

Record Day (No School)

All Day Event

January 27

Board Workshop

1:00 PM

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