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Wenatchee High School

2024 Summer School Offerings

summer school graphic

WHS is offering the following classes on-site this summer! To enroll, a student must have received an F or Incomplete in the course. Laptops will be checked out on the first day, so please make sure Chromebooks get turned in before the end of the school year.

Science - Intro to Physics & Chemistry / Biology with Mr. Bushy

  • June 17 - 20 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - class will not be held on Wednesday)
  • Two sessions (choose one): 8:00 - 11:30 am OR 12:30 - 4:00 pm

English - Freshman & Sophomore English with Ms. Picard

  • June 17 - 20 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - class will not be held on Wednesday or Friday) AND June 24 - 27 (Monday - Thursday)
  • Two sessions (choose one): 9:30 - 11:30 am OR 12:30 - 2:30 pm

Math - Algebra 1 (Quad/Linear) with Mrs. Johnson

  • June 17 - 20 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - class will not be held on Wednesday or Friday) AND June 24 - 27 (Monday - Thursday)
  • One session: 9:30 - 11:30 am

Math - Geometry with Mr. Van Wey

  • June 17 - 20 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - class will not be held on Wednesday)
  • Two sessions (choose one): 8:30 - 11:30 am OR 12:30 - 3:30 pm

Please contact our Summer School Coordinator, Yumiko Savage, or your student’s counselor for more information. You can reach them by calling our main office at (509) 663-8117 or emailing the address below.

Summer School Coordinator, Yumiko Savage

Counselor, Class of 2025, Jennifer Anaya

Counselor, Class of 2026, Stephanie Stuber

Counselor, Class of 2027, Will White

Counselor, Special Programs, Samantha Holton

CTE Program Coordinator, Cindy Murie

Upcoming Events

February 7
February 11

Interagency Meeting

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

February 11

Board Meeting

6:00 PM

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