SchooLinks Community Partnership
If you are interested in partnering with our students with job shadows, internships, apprentiships, or through a Career Launch Program, or would like more inforation, please contact:
Cindy Murie, WSD CTE Pathways Coordinator
509-663-8117 x 39114
Or connect through SchooLinks Community Partner portal.
One of our most significant responsibilities at Wenatchee School District is to educate,
shape, and prepare the future workforce. Our students can be leading collaborators, problem
solvers, and changemakers — provided we allow them to see beyond the classroom.
For that, we need community and industry partners like you.
By engaging with Wenatchee School District's students and collaborating with its educators,
you'll become a critical part of student support networks and professional development
initiatives and a source of expertise and inspiration where it matters most: right here in your
Our partnership with college and career readiness platform SchooLinks makes it easy for our
industry partners to invest in positive student outcomes by providing resources and
opportunities like:
- Job & Volunteer opportunities
- Internships
- Job fairs
- Asynchronously mentor students via short videos
- Mock interviews
- Hands-on experience
- Scholarships
- Business & College Rep Visits
- And more
You can participate in any capacity you choose without upending your schedule with
SchooLinks's tools. And we hope you will — your perspective could be the one that opens up
new pathways in our students' college and career journeys.
Need more information? View Industry Partneship - Connecting Inustry Back to the Talent Source
for additional, in-depth information about using SchooLinks to add and receive value as an
instrumental part of our community.
Ready to join our growing Wenatchee Valley industry partner network?
(Getting Setup With The SchooLinks Industry Partner Network Instructions)
Join Now!
Questions: Contact WSD SchooLinks Admin - Cindy Murie - 509-663-8117 x 39114
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