Research Help
Need to learn how to research or cite a source?
Here are some helpful links!
- OWL (Online Writing Lab) Purdue
- MLA Style Guide - This is the WHS default research paper and bibliography style.
- Easy Bib - An online site to help you cite your sources.
- Citation Machine - Another online site to help you cite your sources.
- Library research tools from the Oregon School Library Information System.
- Tips and tricks for searching Google
- Evaluating Web Sites - A great site from the University of California at Berkeley Library. To do good online research, you must follow these guidelines.
- UW Writing Guides - Also from the University of Washington. Provides a wide variety of documents and resources.
- Wenatchee Public Library/NCW Library - Your local public library. if you can't find it in our library, try this one! Here you can search the catalog, check schedules, and learn more about upcoming events.
- Ask a Librarian - From Seattle Public Library. A good place to check if articles are "FAKE" or not.
What is a database and why should I use one?
This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software.