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EP&O Renewal Levy

Educational Programs & Operations Renewal Levy 

On Tuesday, February 9, 2021, Wenatchee School District residents will be asked to vote on a ballot item to renew our current four-year Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) Levy. This levy is primarily for costs related to supporting core learning activities, technology, safety, and our ability to offer elective/specialist classes, field trips, and extracurricular programs such as art, drama, music, and sports.

Levies allow a school district to provide things that the state only partially funds. 

A local levy is one source (12%) of the three common revenues used for funding Washington public schools. Other sources include general state apportionment based on student enrollment (77%) and federal funds based on exceptional student needs (9%). The remaining 2% consists of facility use fees, student fees, meal costs, etc.

District Budget
The proposed levy will support approximately 12% of the District’s budget and will maintain the District’s current level of educational programs and operation.

Although we did not have all students on campus during the COVID-19 pandemic, our expenditures and need to have all programs ready to reopen did not stop. Yes, we have reduced hours and positions, yet buildings, grounds, business offices, technology, and administration have all worked non-stop to shift from on-campus to remote learning, and now back to on-campus for hybrid instruction. As with other pandemics, this one will end and a new normal will emerge. As it does, Wenatchee will need to be ready to continue to prepare students to be college and career ready.

Levy Frequently Asked Questions

We know there are always a lot of questions about ballot measures. Review our frequently asked questions below to see if your question has been answered. 


Levy Informational Flyer

Levy Information Presentations

Upcoming Events

February 7
February 11

Interagency Meeting

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

February 11

Board Meeting

6:00 PM

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