The Wenatchee School Board of Directors will hold a budget hearing on August 13, 2024 commencing at 6:00 pm for the purpose of receiving comments from the public on the 2024-25 budget.
Any person may appear virtually or in person at the hearing and be heard for or against any part of the 2024-25 budget, the four-year budget plan, or any proposed changes to uses of enrichment funding under RCW 28A.505.240. To comment, a public comment form must be completed prior to the meeting. The form is available at or at the meeting.
Pursuant to RCW 28A.505.050 and RCW 28A.505.060, the Board will hold a regular meeting on August 27, 2024, commencing at 6:00 pm in the District Office at 235 Sunset Avenue, where they will take action to adopt the budget of the District for the ensuing 2024-25 fiscal year.
At the August 27th meeting, the Board shall fix and determine the appropriation from each fund contained in the 2024-25 budget and shall, by resolution, adopt the 2024-25 budget, the four-year budget plan summary, and the four-year enrollment projection. 2024-25 budget information is available by contacting the District Office at 509-663-8161 or by visiting at 235 Sunset Avenue.