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Spanish Radio 

The Wenatchee School District hosts a regular radio program on FM 92.9 7 92.3 La Z to reach our Latinx/a community better and share important District information with the Spanish-speaking community.

"Speaking of Education " Hablando de Education

Join host Director of Hispanic and Latino Relations Alfonso López for an energizing and informative dose of education news and updates from around the Wenatchee School District during his Spanish radio show. Part news and information, part focus on literacy, Alfonso reads children's books live the air and invites listeners to call in and win a book. 

La Z FM 92.9 & 92.3 
Wednesday 2-3 PM
Listen Live


Photo of Alfonso Lopez

Alfonso Lopez

Director of Hispanic/Latino Relations

Upcoming Events

February 11

Interagency Meeting

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

February 11

Board Meeting

6:00 PM

February 17

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