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Wenatchee World Story: Local radio show spotlights bilingual education in conversation with state leader

Wenatchee World Story: Local radio show spotlights bilingual education in conversation with state leader

Photo credit: Wenatchee World

Every Wednesday at 2 p.m., Alfonso Lopez, director of Hispanic and Latino relations for Wenatchee School District goes live on air to talk about education. This week, Lopez sat down with Kristin Percy Calaff, the executive director of multilingual and migrant education from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, to discuss the benefits of being bilingual.

Lopez does the show with radio host Juan J. Anaya, also known as “Johnny Boy,” on La Zeta 92.3 and 92.9 FM. They do a weekly Spanish-language segment to inform the local Latino community on developments in education at the local, state, and federal level. This week’s episode focused on the benefits of being bilingual. 

Read the full story on the Wenatchee World website 



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