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Nutrition Services

Allergy Information 

Contains Nuts Label

      Contains Nuts Warning Label

Peanut and Tree Nut FAQ

Our first priority is the safety of your children. Because allergies of all types can be worrisome, especially nut allergies, our goal is to provide you with as much information as possible so you can effectively manage your child’s condition.

IMPORTANT: Wenatchee School District is NOT nut free. Your child may come into contact with peanuts and tree nuts in the course of their day while attending any Wenatchee School District property.

Q: What items that are made or served by the WSD Nutrition Services Department contain nuts?

A: The Nutrition Services Department does not knowingly serve any peanut or tree nut products at any
of our elementary schools, Westside High School or Valley Academy.

We may offer various peanut or tree nut products at our other secondary schools. These may include: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches, Energy Wraps, Muffins, Factory Packaged Peanuts and/or Tree Nuts, Granola-type Snack Bars and/or other packaged products containing nuts and seeds and/or that may have been manufactured in the presence of peanuts and/or tree nuts.

It is important to note that ALL of the cookies we make are made on a machine that was likely used to process cookies containing peanut and tree nuts and in kitchens where peanuts and tree nuts are used. Depending on the severity of the nut allergy, you may want to consider this fact when determining what or if your child can eat what is provided at school.

Q: When my child gets a sack lunch from the WSD Nutrition Services Department for a field trip or other off-site event, are nuts used in those lunches?

A: No. Our sack lunches will never knowingly contain peanuts or tree nuts (PB&J sandwiches or cookies containing nuts). However, remember that WSD is NOT nut free and your child’s sack lunch may be made in the presence of nuts or in kitchens where peanuts and tree nuts are used.

We also place “Contains Nuts" signs identifying items containing nuts at the places where these items are served similar to the example at the top of this page.

Thank You,

Chris Lutgen
Director of Nutrition Services
Wenatchee School District

Rev D. 1.17.13
If you ever have any concerns or questions that are
not answered in this FAQ, please contact the
Director of Food Services at
662-9345 or 668-8578 

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