Safety and Security
Action Steps:
Building the skills and knowledge of our staff in safety, security, and emergency preparedness.
- Comprehensive Evidence-Based Threat Assessment Program (Salem-Kaiser-Cascade) for pertinent staff.
- Emergency First Aid, CPR, and Stop the Bleed training for Nurses & Leadership.
All Staff Training:
- Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
- Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Prevention
- Boundary Invasion Training
- Child Abuse: Mandatory Reporting
- Health Emergencies: Asthma Awareness
- Health Emergencies: Diabetes Awareness
- Health Emergencies: Life-Threatening Allergies
- Sexual Harassment: Staff-to-Staff
- Workplace Bullying: Awareness and Prevention
- Youth Suicide: Awareness, Prevention, and Postvention
Action Steps:
Building the skills and knowledge of our staff in diversity, equity, and inclusion.
All Safety and Security Staff Training:
- Constitutional & Civil Rights of Students
- Adolescent Development
- Trauma-Informed Approaches
- Youth Mental Health Issues
- Students with Disabilities, Restraint, and Isolation
- Collateral Consequences to Arrest,
- Alternatives & Prosecution
- Disparities in Use of Force
- De-Escalation
- Bias-Free Policing and Cultural Competency
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Restorative Justice
- Creating a solid yet flexible Emergency Management Team
- New Juvenile Law review
- Search & Seizure
- Implicit Bias
- How to train and evaluate Emergency Response Plans
- Crisis Communication
Action Steps:
Eliminating systemic barriers and obstacles to each student's safety and security while they pursue their desired school experience
School Resource Officer(SRO) Training:
- 40 Hours Basic SRO
- Foundations of School-Based Law Enforcement
- Ethics and the SRO
- The SRO as a Teacher/Guest speaker
- Understanding Special Needs Students
- The SRO as an informal Counselor/Mentor
- Social Media & Cybersecurity
- Understanding the Teen brain
- Violence and Victimization: Challenges to Development
- Sex Trafficking of Youth
- School Law
- Child Forensic Interviewing
- Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician
- Developing Successful Relationships with Diverse Students
- Effects of Youth Trends and Drugs on the School Culture and Environment
- Threat Response: Preventing Violence in schools
- School Safety and Emergency Operations Plans
- Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
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