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School Board

Equity Program Review

The Wenatchee School District has partnered with Education Northwest, a regional education research firm, to conduct an equity review in our district. This review came about through the thoughtful discussion of our school board and was also identified as an important action step in our newly adopted strategic plan which aims to improve academic outcomes for students. 

Together, we will:  

  • Explore district culture, policies, and practices to identify potential opportunity gaps, particularly related to race, language, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, and other significant factors
  • Identify access points the district can address to ensure that each child has the tools, resources, and opportunities to succeed in school and be ready for the future
  • Uncover opportunities to promote positive academic outcomes for all students, including the Big Six Future Ready Outcomes in our strategic plan.

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February 11

Interagency Meeting

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

February 11

Board Meeting

6:00 PM

February 17

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