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School Delays and Closures due to Inclement Weather: What you need to know


From time to time during the winter months, the weather may force a change in the normal school schedule. We want you to be prepared and know where to get information.

Now is the time to make sure your student’s emergency contact information is up-to-date. Check with your school office to make sure we have accurate information on file or fill out the online information update form 

In case of a weather delay, the district will implement a Monday Late Start Schedule to allow for improved road conditions and safe transportation of students to school.

Late start schedule
School will start at the following times:

  • Elementary - 9:15 AM 
  • Middle School -10:20 AM 
  • Wenatchee HS -10:10 AM
  • WestSide HS - 10:05 AM
  • Castlerock Preschool - No morning session. Afternoon session starts at 11:45 AM
  • Valley Academy - 9:30 AM 
  • Wenatchee Valley Tech - No AM classes, PM classes start at 12:35 PM
  • YMCA Student Care - Open at 7:30 AM
  • Before School Programs - cancelled 

How and when will you find out if school is late or closed?

ParentSquare: Emergency alert text, email, push notification and phone call. 
Website Announcements: Notifications will be posted on 
Social Media Posts: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Local TV/Radio Announcements: Tune into local radio stations 

How does the school district decide whether to close or delay school?
Our transportation department checks the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) weather updates as well as the county for road conditions. The WSD Transportation Director drives bus routes to evaluate road conditions and contacts the Superintendent by 5 AM. The superintendent makes the final decision as to whether schools stay on schedule or close. The district will notify parents starting at 6 AM of any dealys or cancelations. 

Why would the district delay the start of school?
Delaying school gives the Transportation Department time to chain up the fleet. It also puts bus travel in a safer, non-commute time.

The decision to delay or close school is not taken lightly. It’s disruptive for working parents that have to come up with a plan for the care of children. We recommend families of young children develop a backup plan in the event that schools are closed or delayed.

Questions? Call the Transportation Department at (509) 662-6168. The office opens at 5:30 AM.

Upcoming Events

January 20
January 24

Record Day (No School)

All Day Event

January 27

Board Workshop

1:00 PM

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