Student Registration
Registration for the 2025-2026 Transition to Kindergarten (TK) program in the Wenatchee School District is currently on hold. We are awaiting a decision from the state legislature regarding continued funding for TK before we can open registration. Families who are interested in having their child evaluated for TK are encouraged to contact their neighborhood school to determine eligibility.
Click below to register New and Returning and In-District transfer students.
Information for Enrolling Students - Preschool-12th Grade
The district will no longer offer online courses for K-8 students through the Wenatchee Internet Academy starting in the fall of 2023. High school online courses will continue to be made available via Apex for students through Wenatchee High School and WestSide High School.
- If you are a Wenatchee resident, please apply only at the school within your home boundaries. Parents can find out which school their student should attend by using the City of Wenatchee's School Locator or district’s online boundary map or by calling the district office at (509) 663-8161. You must live within the boundary map area for the school that you are registering at, except for Valley Academy, WestSide High School, Castle Rock Early Childhood Learning Center, 523-Open Doors and 524-Skillsource.
- To apply for your child to attend a school outside of your resident boundary, please visit the Choice Enrollment page. If your child is new to the district you must complete the new student registration to their boundary school. If you are applying for choice, and have not yet received approval, we will transfer the registration information to the choice school upon approval.
- For additional information on registering a Kindergarten student, please visit our Kindergarten Registration page.
- If your child is attending Wenatchee Valley Technical Skills Center, an additional registration form must be filled out.
- To register a new preschooler at Castle Rock Early Childhood Learning Center, please use WSD registration form. Additional information on program schedule and tuition is available here. After registration is complete, Emily Wilgus, Early Childhood Coordinator, will contact you to determine which session and how many days of preschool you want for your child.
- If you are unable to fill out the online registration form, please call the student's school to make an appointment to pick up a paper registration form, or download the form here.
If you are registering a New or Returning student, the following documents are required:
1. Verification of address (water/utility bill, electricity bill, rent payment receipt which shows the address for the rented or leased residence, or a rental or lease agreement, where the residence is currently being occupied by parent or guardian.)
2. Birth Certificate
3. A headshot photo of the student you are registering (for student ID card - not required)
The required documents listed above can be delivered to the school in the following ways:
- Upload the files while filling out the online form (file types accepted: png, doc, pdf, jpg)
- Deliver to the school, or drop off at the District Office dropbox which is located outside of the entry way door on the south side of the building. If using the dropbox, please enclose the documents in an envelope with the school name on the envelope. The District Office is located at: 235 Sunset Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801
- Email to the School at the email address below
- Castle Rock Early Childhood Learning Center -
- John Newbery Elementary -
- Lewis and Clark Elementary -
- Lincoln Elementary -
- Mission View Elementary -
- Sunnyslope Elementary -
- Washington Elementary -
- Foothills Middle School -
- Orchard Middle School -
- Pioneer Middle School -
- Wenatchee High School -
- WestSide High School -
- Valley Academy of Learning -
Please check the student's school website for school supply lists and other information.
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