Purchasing Information
Instructional Hardware and Software Purchasing
Please use our online order form for purchases using any Wenatchee School District budget. This ensures that the product meets the standards set by our technology departments. Support and professional development will only be possible if the purchases are approved and purchased through our departments.
You must have a budget number and an administrator approval for your purchase prior to submitting. When your order is submitted you, Ron Brown and your Administrator all receive an electronic copy of the order. Our departments will wait for the administrator to reply to our purchasing secretary, Holly McDonough, with purchase approval.
- Online Hardware and Software Ordering Form, including all Apple Purchasing.
- Please submit a support ticket for new technology requests at https://wenatcheeschools.incidentiq.com and navigate to Other Requests > Request New Technology.
- Please submit a support ticket for new technology requests at https://wenatcheeschools.incidentiq.com and navigate to Other Requests > Request New Technology.
- Online ordering for iOS applications for any district iOS device (this includes requesting free app or providing budget number for a paid app)
- If either of the forms do not have what you need, please let us know using a Technology Support Ticket and indicate the topic of your ticket to be Instructional Technology. Most prices are from the State Instructional Materials Bid. To confirm prices and/or discounts, refer to the actual bid PDF linked. For all purchases, regardless of vendor, sales tax must be paid.
- If you are purchasing non-Apple technology items directly from a vendor, contact Ron Brown before purchasing to ensure you have accurate pricing, current recommendations, and your purchase will be supported.
This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software.