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Scholarship Information

See the spreadsheet linked below for a list of scholarship opportunties available to WHS students. Please note, scholarship information may not be up to date. For the most accurate information, use your SchoolLinks account. Log in using the link in the panel on the right side of the page.

Once you log into SchoolLinks, click the "Finances" tab on the left panel and select "Scholarship Matching." On this page, you can enter as much or as little information as you would like. The more detail you enter, the more tailored the results will be to your path. To view all available scholarships, you only need to enter your zip code. 

Questions? Contact Mrs. Anderson.


Four year universities have entrance requirements that vary from Wenatchee High School graduation requirements.  Parents and students should always contact post-secondary schools directly to receive the most up to date information. Universities typically require four full years of English, two years of world language and math or a math based course during the senior year.

In general, admissions is based on a student’s preparation, and the following factors are those most commonly considered:
  • Grade point average
  • High school courses completed
  • Extracurricular and community activities including evidence of leadership
The more selective a school is, the more emphasis is placed on rigorous academic work in English, Social Studies, mathematics, science, World Language, as well as a higher GPA. It is wise for college-bound students to take as much math, science, English and world language as they can comfortably handle while maintaining a strong GPA.
Students should select courses that reflect their interests, talents, and goals. Taking academic courses without being able to learn the material adequately and maintain a strong GPA is usually counter-productive. Moreover, many colleges are looking for students with a background in the arts, extra-curricular activities and community service as well as academics. 
Students are encouraged to meet with their counselors and to use the College and Career Center in our library to obtain specific information to help with their planning.
The following are selected examples of entrance requirements:
1. Community Colleges- Community colleges require high school graduation or the equivalent. They do not require a specific GPA or test scores. Solid academic preparation is required to avoid significant remedial coursework.  Many students complete two years at a community college before transferring to a four year university to pursue a bachelor’s degree.
2. Technical Colleges - A well-rounded high school background is important.  Business, technology, family and consumer science, and arts courses are very appropriate. A student wishing further exposure to technical education might also consider attending the Wenatchee Technical Skills center.
3. Universities - the following courses are minimum requirements for admission to Washington State universities:
4 years of English (including composition and literature)
3 years of Math (through Algebra 2 or a math based course in the senior year)
2 years of Science 
3 years of Social Studies
2 years of a single World Language
1 year of Fine Arts 
4. Private Colleges - Entrance requirements vary greatly among private colleges. Emphasis is placed on strong college preparatory coursework, GPA, test scores, extracurricular activities, leadership and service.



Most high school students do not have firm career plans. Fortunately, help is available. Several resources at WHS can be helpful to students as they plan.
Counselors – Counselors help students and parents work through the post-high school planning process. The myriad of planning resources can be a little daunting. Sometimes personal contact with the counselor helps make it all seem more manageable. 

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