What is directed study?
This is an independent study under the guidance of a WHS volunteer mentor. This on-campus opportunity is designed for serious students who want to pursue a topic of interest or broaden knowledge of a subject not in the curriculum. The intent of student (self) directed study is to help students move from competence to expertise in an area of interest to them. This is a Tier 3 extension for responsible, motivated students, generally juniors and seniors.
This is an independent study under the guidance of a WHS volunteer mentor. This on-campus opportunity is designed for serious students who want to pursue a topic of interest or broaden knowledge of a subject not in the curriculum. The intent of student (self) directed study is to help students move from competence to expertise in an area of interest to them. This is a Tier 3 extension for responsible, motivated students, generally juniors and seniors.
To initiate a directed study, students discuss plans with counselors.
Students complete the Directed Study Application Form for the school year and return it to their counselor by the first week of school.
Grading and Credit
- Directed Study will be Pass/Fail (new 2022-2023)
- Quarterly grading (F/P) submitted by mentor teacher
- Students receive 1 credit for a first semester DS class (both A/B days)
- Students receive ½ credit for full year class each semester (full year equals 1 credit)
- Must have specific goals and weekly plans to meet them
- Must have a plan for a product or presentation to an authentic audience
- Must be present daily on WHS campus (scan at beginning and be present at end of every DS class period)
- Must keep record (various options) of DS work and share/communicate regularly with mentor
- Must check emails and respond to mentor, counselor and HiCap coordinator
- Review student goals and plans to ensure they are specific, measurable, attainable in the time available, relevant and provide guidance as needed. Your DS student should have plans for what to do if they are stuck and what they plan to do if they complete their project early.
- Consider the student plan for a product or presentation and ideas for an authentic audience and provide guidance as needed.
- Monitor daily attendance and let Sam Holton know if a student has unexcused absence. (Students with unexcused absences will be dropped from class).
- Periodically review student record of DS work and after initial discussions with student, mentor should share a concern if student is not progressing toward goals.
- After High School Planning
- Clubs & Activities
- College and Career Mentor Program
- Counseling Forms
- CTE/Career Connected Learning Program
- Dual/College Credit at WHS
- Graduation Requirements
- NCAA Athletic Eligibility
- New Enrollments & Withdrawals
- Request a Transcript
- Running Start
- Special Programs
- Student Support & Community Resources
- Tests at WHS
- WHS Course Offerings
January 20
January 24
January 27
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