Facilities and Capital Projects
Lincoln Elementary School $26.9 million
The student population at Lincoln Elementary has outgrown the facility. Ten classrooms are housed in portables. The Lincoln modernization, additions and site improvements will:
- Add a wing to house the ten classroom currently in portables.
- Add a library.
- Update HVAC (heating ventilation air conditioning) in 300 wing.
- Insulate walls and replace single pane windows and eliminate doors to the outside..
- Upgrade obsolete T12 lighting with T-8 or LED fixtures.
- Modernize restrooms and flooring.
- Provide a new roof.
- Student parking lot, drop off and pickup area is being renovated and reconfigured on the existing site to increase student safety.
- Modernize fire alarm and electrical system.
- Add full size gymnasium.
- Modernize and enlarge kitchen facilities. State School Construction Assistance is an estimated $5.3 million.
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