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Understanding Assessment Results

Achievement and Growth

There are two primary ways of understanding how your child is performing on state assessments; they are Achievement/Proficiency and Growth. As parents and teachers, we have a number of measures we rely on across the year to understand your children’s academic progress. OSPI State Score Reports and Student Growth Plot reports should be viewed in conjunction with other information about how your child is progressing in school, such as their grades, completion of class assignments, and their collaborative and social skills. All these indicators of student performance together form a more complete picture of a student’s success in school.

OSPI provides Student Score Reports and Student Growth Plot Reports annually. Student Growth Plot Reports graphically display academic growth and includes predictive growth data for next year. 

View sample Score Reports in English and Spanish. 

View Superintendent Kalahar's message announcing OSPI's release of spring 2024 students' individual score reports.

View a sample Understanding Student Growth Plot Reports that includes a helpful tutorial. Clover Park School District has widely shared videos in English and Spanish that help viewers understand how the reports display student growth. 

Additional information and resources are available on OSPI's webpages for Scores and Reports and  Student Growth Percentile.

This section was last updated on November 1, 2024.

This page was reviewed on September 10, 2024. Please contact Karen Allen with comments.

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