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Container #1: Maximize Structure Within Your Classroom


  • 5.1 The teacher organizes a safe physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement and focus on learning 

Note: Blue font indicates GLAD strategy 


  1. Organizes the physical layout of the classroom to have clear traffic patterns, teaching and learning spaces, and easy access to materials in order to maximize (teacher-student) proximity and minimize crowding and distraction
  2. Develops routines for repeated procedures 
    (scouts, team points)
  3. Posts and reviews daily schedule or lesson segments 
    (team task menu)
  4. Posts daily learning targets or longer-term goals so they’re visible, and reviews them throughout the lesson.
  5. Uses signals to facilitate transitions between activities and movement around classroom and delivers signals from consistent location 
    (zero noise signal, CCD signal word & gesture)
  6. Other


  • Enter and exit room efficiently and move easily about the room
  • Follow routines
  • Respond quickly to signals
  • When asked, can restate the daily schedule or lesson segments
  • When asked, can restate and explain the day’s target or long-term learning goal

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