Container #1: Maximize Structure Within Your Classroom
- 5.1 The teacher organizes a safe physical layout of the classroom to facilitate movement and focus on learning
Note: Blue font indicates GLAD strategy
- Organizes the physical layout of the classroom to have clear traffic patterns, teaching and learning spaces, and easy access to materials in order to maximize (teacher-student) proximity and minimize crowding and distraction
- Develops routines for repeated procedures
(scouts, team points)
- Posts and reviews daily schedule or lesson segments
(team task menu)
- Posts daily learning targets or longer-term goals so they’re visible, and reviews them throughout the lesson.
- Uses signals to facilitate transitions between activities and movement around classroom and delivers signals from consistent location
(zero noise signal, CCD signal word & gesture)
- Other
- Enter and exit room efficiently and move easily about the room
- Follow routines
- Respond quickly to signals
- When asked, can restate the daily schedule or lesson segments
- When asked, can restate and explain the day’s target or long-term learning goal
- What is the purpose of PBIS?
- Overview
- Container #1: Maximize Structure Within Your Classroom
- Container #2: Define, Teach, Review, Monitor & Reteach Positively-Stated Expectations
- Container #3: Establish a Continuum of Strategies to Acknowledge Appropriate Behavior
- Container #4: Actively Engage Students in Observable Ways
- Container #5: Establish a Continuum of Strategies to Respond to Inappropriate Behavior
- Container Challenge
- Marzano Instructional Framework Aligned to Wa State Teacher Evaluation Criteria (PDF) (opens in new window)
- PBIS Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
- PBIS Menu of Interventions for Minor Behaviors
- PBIS- Tier One Preventions/Interventions Flowchart (PDF) (opens in new window)
- Resources
- Contact
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