Container #5: Establish a Continuum of Strategies to Respond to Inappropriate Behavior
- 1.4 The teacher demonstrates value & respect for all
- 5.3 The teacher demonstrates “withitness”
- 5.4 The teacher applies consequences for lack of adherence to rules & procedures
- 5.6 The teacher builds positive relationships by displaying objectivity and control
Note: Blue font indicates GLAD strategy
- Builds upon existing relationship with student by privately discussing causes and solutions to repeated misbehaviors
- Provides specific and brief corrections, e.g., stating expected behavior for academic and social errors
- Begins with the least restrictive procedure to discourage rule violating behavior - nonverbal signals, e.g., eye contact, proximity, shaking head,
TPR; moving to verbal corrections; then proceeding to more restrictive procedures as needed, e.g., time-out to problem-solve misbehavior
- Provides verbal signals when student's behavior is not appropriate; asks student/s to state and show expected behavior, “
solve that problem"
- Secures student's attention and redirects student to correct behavior
- Uses teach, reteach as needed to make good decisions, show respect and solve problems
(3 Personal Standards; 10:2)
- Involves home when appropriate, e.g., makes a call home to parents to help extinguish inappropriate behavior
- Responds to rule violating behavior in a calm, emotionally objective and professional manner while speaking to students with dignity and respect
- Uses different reinforcement strategies to address behaviors that violate classroom rules, considering situational context and needs of individual students
- Other (Note: Teacher may seek administrative help for serious misbehavior)
- Cease inappropriate behavior when signaled by the teacher
- Accept consequences as part of the way class is conducted
- When asked, describe the teacher as fair in application of rules
- Work to make good decisions, show respect, solve problems
- Are settled by teacher’s calm behavior
- What is the purpose of PBIS?
- Overview
- Container #1: Maximize Structure Within Your Classroom
- Container #2: Define, Teach, Review, Monitor & Reteach Positively-Stated Expectations
- Container #3: Establish a Continuum of Strategies to Acknowledge Appropriate Behavior
- Container #4: Actively Engage Students in Observable Ways
- Container #5: Establish a Continuum of Strategies to Respond to Inappropriate Behavior
- Container Challenge
- Marzano Instructional Framework Aligned to Wa State Teacher Evaluation Criteria (PDF) (opens in new window)
- PBIS Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
- PBIS Menu of Interventions for Minor Behaviors
- PBIS- Tier One Preventions/Interventions Flowchart (PDF) (opens in new window)
- Resources
- Contact
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