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Container #3: Establish a continuum of strategies to acknowledge appropriate behavior


  • 1.2 The teacher celebrates student success
  • 5.3 The teacher demonstrates “withitness”
  • 5.5 The teacher acknowledges adherence to rules and procedures
  • 5.6 The teacher builds positive relationships with students by displaying objectivity and control 

Note: Blue font indicates GLAD strategy


  1. Provides nonverbal signals that a rule or procedure has been followed (smile, nod of head, high five)
  2. Gives verbal cues that a rule or procedure has been followed, e.g., thanks students for following a rule or procedure, describes student behaviors that adhere to rule or procedure
  3. Gives and maintains a 4:1 ratio [4 positives (verbal or nonverbal) to 1 correction]
  4. Uses a variety of ways to celebrate success (show of hands, round of applause, group celebration,
    literacy awards – individual, team points - group)
  5. Uses tangible recognition when a rule or procedure has been followed, e.g., student of the month, token economies, parent notification
  6. After correcting rule violations, the teacher uses acknowledgement and positive reinforcement for rule following
  7. Engages in activities to learn about students and their cultural backgrounds
  8. Other


  • Appear appreciative of the teacher acknowledging their positive behavior
  • The number of students adhering to rules and procedures increases
  • Recognize the teacher is aware of their behavior
  • Describe the teacher as “aware of what’s going on” or “has eyes on the back of his/her head”
  • Show signs of pride and indicate they want to continue to make progress 

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