Container #4: Actively Engage Students in Observable Ways
- 1.3 The teacher understands students’ interests
- 2.6 The teacher engages students
Note: Blue font indicates GLAD strategy
- Develops lesson plans to fit time allotted, e.g., 3 lesson segments in extended periods
- Greets students at the door
- Engages in informal conversations with students that are not related to academics
- Uses music / rhythm / rhyme / rap /
Incorporates physical movement
Includes project/problem-based instruction
- Uses
visuals,manipulatives, models
- Uses
games,friendly controversy, role play, drama, pantomime, charades
Presents novel and unusual information
Uses cooperative groups, numbered heads/heads together
- Uses humor, personal stories, celebration
- Demonstrates intensity and enthusiasm
- Creates relevance
- Monitors response rates and adjusts pacing
- Provides multiple ways for students to respond, e.g., individual response/
choral response)
- Other
- Are engaged, learning and retaining important content for course
- Respond when teacher demonstrates understanding of their backgrounds and interests
- What is the purpose of PBIS?
- Overview
- Container #1: Maximize Structure Within Your Classroom
- Container #2: Define, Teach, Review, Monitor & Reteach Positively-Stated Expectations
- Container #3: Establish a Continuum of Strategies to Acknowledge Appropriate Behavior
- Container #4: Actively Engage Students in Observable Ways
- Container #5: Establish a Continuum of Strategies to Respond to Inappropriate Behavior
- Container Challenge
- Marzano Instructional Framework Aligned to Wa State Teacher Evaluation Criteria (PDF) (opens in new window)
- PBIS Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
- PBIS Menu of Interventions for Minor Behaviors
- PBIS- Tier One Preventions/Interventions Flowchart (PDF) (opens in new window)
- Resources
- Contact
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