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Positive Behavior Intervention Support

Why Is PBIS Important? 
School environments that are positive, preventative, predictable, and effective - a) Are safer, healthier, and more caring; b) Have enhanced learning and teaching outcomes; c) Can provide a continuum of behavior support for all students 

What Are Additional Benefits of PBIS? 

  • Increased instructional time
  • Decreased student exclusion
  • Students with increased emotional intelligence who know how to regulate their own behavior
  • Reduced stress for staff and students
  • Reduced student aggression toward adults and others
  • Energized teachers • A cultural shift with a focus on positive feedback 

What Is PBIS? 

  • A research-based framework for transforming school culture through a focus on positive feedback
  • Emphasis placed on proactive prevention
  • Differentiated strategies and interventions that match the unique needs of each student
  • Three tiers of intervention (RTI) that offer a full continuum of behavior support for all students
  • Cori Pflug, Assistant Director of Student Behavior Management & Support
  • The Wenatchee School District PBIS Committee
  • PBIS Teams at each building
  • Instructional Coaches and GLAD Trainers 

How Does PBIS Fit in the Marzano Instructional Framework? - See highlighted Marzano Map in Resource Section -

What Is the Process for Implementation? 

  1. Define a common purpose and approach to discipline.
  2. Identify a clear set of positive expectations and behaviors.
  3. Implement procedures for teaching expected behaviors.
  4. Differentiate supports for encouraging expected behavior.
  5. Differentiate supports for discouraging inappropriate behavior.
  6. Implement procedures for on-going monitoring and evaluation for data-driven decision-making. 

What Are the Essential School-wide Components? 

  • 3-5 School rules
  • Behavior matrix
  • Planned social skills instruction
  • Student acknowledgement/feedback system
  • Consequence system for misbehavior
  • Information system for decision-making 

What Are the Essential Classroom Components?
The 5 Containers 

Container #1: Structures within the classroom
Container #2: Instruction for expectations and routines
Container #3: Strategies acknowledging appropriate behavior
Container #4: Active student engagement 
Container #5: Responses to inappropriate behavior 

Upcoming Events

February 11

Interagency Meeting

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

February 11

Board Meeting

6:00 PM

February 17

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